Omnibus Commercial Electronic Vessel Trip Report (eVTR) Framework

This page provides information related to the development of the Omnibus Commercial eVTR Framework. We have developed a new Commercial Electronic Vessel Trip Reporting web page where we’ll be posting updates on electronic reporting requirements and resources for commercial fishermen.


Commercial fishing vessels with federal permits for species managed by the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and New England Fishery Management Council are required to submit Vessel Trip Reports (VTRs) documenting all fishing activity and catches. Electronic Vessel Trip Reports (eVTRs), which allow direct entry of data by the vessel operator using an electronic device, have been available as an option for all Northeast Region federally permitted fisheries since 2013. This Omnibus Commercial Electronic Vessel Trip Report Framework was developed jointly by the MAFMC and NEFMC to require commercial vessels with federal permits for species managed by either Council to submit their VTRs electronically. These changes were recommended by the MAFMC and NEFMC in order to:

  1. Increase the timeliness and availability of data submitted through VTRs;

  2. Reduce the reporting burden on commercial vessel operators by eliminating the need for paper-based reporting; and

  3. Increase the accuracy and quality of data by reducing errors from trying to recall catch and effort associated with delayed completion of paper forms.

The Mid-Atlantic Council and New England Council approved this framework action at their December 2019 and January 2020 meetings, respectively. NMFS published a final rule on 11/10/20 with an implementation date of November 10, 2021. Once implemented, this framework will:

  • Require commercial vessels with federal permits for all species managed by both Councils to submit currently required VTRs to NOAA Fisheries through electronic means; and

  • Change the VTR reporting deadline to 48 hours after entering port at the conclusion of the trip.

This action does not change any other existing requirements associated with VTRs but would be an administrative modification in the method and timing for submitting these reports.

Currently, there are several approved applications that can be used to submit VTRs electronically, including free options. A list of all approved eVTR applications and contact information for each system can be found here.


Karson Coutre, Fishery Management Specialist,, (302) 526-5259

Action Status

The MAFMC took final action on this framework at their December 2019 Council meeting, and the NEFMC took final action at their January 2020 meeting. Both Councils selected to require commercial vessels to submit VTRs electronically with a reporting deadline of 48 hours after trip completion. A proposed rule for this action was published on 7/17/20, and a final rule was published on 11/10/20 with an implementation date of November 10, 2021.

Recorded Demo of 2 Free eVTR Applications: ACCSP’s eTrips Mobile and NOAA’s Fish Online


Framework Development

eVTR Information