NOAA Fisheries: Spiny Dogfish Quotas to be Increased for Commercial Fishermen

NOAA Fisheries is implementing the New England and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s jointly-recommended increased commercial quotas for 2013-2015 for the spiny dogfish fishery.  Increases from 2012 levels:  40.842 million lb in 2013 (+14%), 41.784 million lb in 2014 (+17%), and 41.578 million lb in 2015 (+16%). The commercial possession limit is also increased from 3,000 lb to 4,000 lb per trip (+33%). 

Based on estimates from the recent updated stock assessment model, the spiny dogfish stock is not overfished (~35% above Bmsy), and overfishing is not occurring.  Spiny dogfish were fully rebuilt from an overfished condition as of 2010, allowing significantly increased harvest levels in recent years.  

For more information on these measures click here