Deep Sea Coral Alternatives Development Workshop

April 18, 2013

Baltimore, MD

This workshop was intended to facilitate the development of alternatives for the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s Amendment 16 to the Squid, Mackerel, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan (Protections for Deep Sea Corals). As part of Amendment 16, the Council will consider designating areas to which management measures may be applied to protect deep sea corals. The Council has recognized the need to refine the initial options for these areas, by incorporating the input of fishing industry participants and considering recent updates to the best available science on deep sea coral distribution. 

The specific goals of the workshop were:

  1. Review available data on deep sea coral distribution and abundance
  2. Review available fishing effort distribution data and discuss the utility of this information for analyzing the impacts of potential deep sea coral zones. 
  3. Review specific areas under consideration for deep sea coral protections, identifying where fishing effort occurs relative to known and predicted deep sea coral presence.
  4. Develop a set, or sets, of spatial area options for deep sea coral protection zones to be taken to the Council for approval for inclusion in a public hearing document.

Workshop Materials

Previous MAFMC Deep Sea Corals Documents

Additional Resources

New England Fishery Management Council deep sea corals documents:

NOAA Links and Documents: